Who is a First-Time Home Buyer
If you have never owned a home before, or previously owned a home but have not had a mortgage on a primary residence in the prior 3 years leading up to your purchase date, you qualify to purchase as a first-time home buyer. This is per FHA rules.
Some Qualification Requirements
There are several programs available that a buyer can take advantage of to qualify for a home. Most individuals who are interested in these programs have lower than average credit scores and/or have very little funds for their down-payment. FHA will allow a buyer to use as little as 3.5% of the loan amount as down-payment, will accept a higher debt-to-income ratio and accept a lower credit score. There is also an income limit and a cap on the loan amount that is given. Grants are just as stated. No repayment is required if you live in the property for a specific time-frame. The loans are usually second mortgages with zero percent interest rates and deferred payments. Another important requirement is to attend a Florida Home-buying Education Class. See your lender for more specific details about the various grants and loan programs available.
Links to Available Resources
Homeowner Assistance Program through HUD for Palm Beach County
Homeowner Assistance Program through HUD for Broward County
Homeowner Assistance Program through HUD for St. Lucie County